четверг, 16 августа 2007 г.

A first- rate indoors garden will be opened in Saudi Arabia.

The biggest indoors garden will be built in Saudi Arabia. In the desert near a capital of the city (Riyadh) will be raised 2 complexes in shape of a half moon, in which will be presented an evolution of the vegetable world. “King Abdullah International Gardens” will be twice as much as Eden Project – a similar project in Cornwall. In the pavilions of the garden visitors can see plants including Devonian (started more than 400 millions years ago), Coal period, Jurassic and Cainozoe. Another one pavilion will be devoted to the future of the World. The creators try to foresee, what will expected the World’s flora depending on mankind life. The height of central Garden’s pavilion will be 40 metres. Its will be the first rate buildings of fluoroplastic (Teflon) in the world. Even so the authors try to come to minimum future power consumption of buildings, with using the energy of the Sun and wind, and also repeatedly using of water for watering.

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